All cells, organs, bones, muscles and tissues vibrate in their own electromagnetic frequency and in complete harmony, forming the Body Energy Field (BEF). The entire body is a complex collection of frequencies that can change during illness or due to toxic substances.
Bio Resonance uses the body’s own electromagnetic signals, changes them, and then feeds them back into the body as a therapy to restore health or fight disease. Usually the electromagnetic frequencies are inverted so that the peaks become troughs and vice versa. The feedback of this altered vibration into the body erases the pathological bioelectrical information that comes from viruses, bacteria and chemical toxins.
This causes the cells of the body to start eliminating and excreting the disease-causing factors. The disease-causing vibrations are removed from the body and healing can take place.
Bio Resonance therapy can identify the causes of chronic and degenerative diseases.
The human body itself generates long-wave magnetic fields. The vibrational energy of such fields leads to regeneration, blood circulation and defence against infections in our cells. The best known are the currents flowing in the heart. They can be recorded on an ECG. Just as the heart has its own bioelectric frequency pattern, the other organs and systems in the body (e.g. brain, liver, muscles, respiratory system, etc.) also have their specific frequency.